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Who We Are and
Where We Are
Delaware Military Heritage and Education Foundation

The Delaware Military Museum

Delaware Military Heritage and Education Foundation (DMHEF) offers programs to build awareness of Delaware's military heritage by outreach programs including seminars, presentations to schools and organizations, lectures, exhibits, special events and family activities.
The Delaware Military Museum is a major initiative of the DMHEF. Donations of museum worthy memorabilia and artifacts are sought. We welcome anyone interested in joining us to help preserve military history by volunteering with programs and development of the Delaware Military Museum. We operate on donations. To join us in the worthwhile endeavors please click on "More" in the menu bar then scroll down to "How to Join and Donate". To contact us go to the "Contact Us" tab in the Menu bar.
Executive Committee
Chair: BG Terry Wiley (DNG, Ret)
Vice Chair and Webmaster: LTC Carl Witte (USA, Ret)
Executive Director DMHEF/DMM: Joshua Loper
Curator DMM:
Financial Officer: COL Pamela Gonce (DNG, Ret)
Treasurer: Elizabeth LaPenna
The Delaware Military Museum tells the story of and recognizes the sacrifices of uniformed service members over the past 350 years. An extensive collection of military artifacts have been collected and are on display. Archival materials are available for students, educators and researchers. Admission is always free. The "Virtual Museum" is available for preview of Museum artifacts and viewing of many stories of Delaware military history.
Go to "Virtual Museum" in the menu bar, above. The Museum is co-located with elements of the Delaware National Guard on 1st Regiment Road, Wilmington. Directions can be found on the link, below. The mailing address is P.O. Box, 3434 Old Capital trail, Wilmington, DE 19808-9998. The Museum is open every Wednesday from 10 A.M. to noon and on the second Saturday of every month from noon to 3 P.M. A lecture is at 1 P.M. Click the "Speakers Program" on the menu for details.

The Museum is located at:
First Regiment Road, Wilmington, Delaware, 19808.
The Muesum's mailing address is:
DMHEF P. O. Box 5958, Wilmington, D.E. 19808-9998
We are in the community of Arundel, New Castle County.
(Point your cursor over the little man for a street map view. To enlarge or reduce click on the + or - signs. For a large map view click in the "Directions" button. To email us click on the "link" button.)
Service Animals/ADA Compliance
We welcome all service animals to our museum. Unfortunately, pets are not allowed. This is posted in several places by the buildings entrance and the museum front door. The museum would prefer your service animal wear their vest to be easily identified. However, if it is not, according to ADA regulations, we may ask the following questions:
Is the dog a service animal required because of a disability?
What work or task has the dog been trained to perform?
These questions are allowed by ADA, Federal, and State regulations/laws. For more information, please see these regulations at: Service Animals |
Educate and Preserve
Lectures and presentations are available for schools, public and private organizations.

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